Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gratitude and Kindness

"My gratitude is non-negotiable." I heard this on a recent episode of "Royal Pains" and thought it was a pretty deep statement. I mean seriously, when you are thankful for something or someone should you belittle that gratitude or allow it to be diminshed? I think not. If more people showed gratitude to others for things, this would be a much more friendly planet.

For instance, have you ever held open a door for a stranger and they didn't even acknowledge it? I have, it didn't bother me but I noticed it... but when someone does acknowledge some kind thing you've done for them, it's a shared moment of joy... it's a bright spot in the day.

A quote from Mother Teresa that I like is "We cannot do great things in this world, we can only do small things greatly." I think it is so life altering to realize this... to know and grasp that a smile, holding a door for someone, helping pick something up that has been dropped, giving someone a hand who is down on their luck, sharing your food, your time, your hopes, dreams, joys, empathisizing with someones sorrows.... they can all make a huge difference when you see the domino affect that ripples behind it. Little things... little things... take the time to do kind little things and you will make a great difference somewhere at some time.

My challenge to anyone who bothers to read this is to commit random acts of kindness in yor life... whether you know the person you are doing something nice for or not.

Have you ever done something kind for another person anonomously? A note, a flower, anything that lets them know they are appreciated or thought of... and they do not know who it came from It's a pretty cool concept. I mean think about it... if you walked to your desk or car one day and found a little flower, a piece of candy, any random little thing... or simply a note "You are appreciated, thank you!" "I hope you have a good day" , "Good luck with..." wouldn't that make your day? I don't mean sappy or stalker spooky, just honest good intentions.

You cannot always know the affect your acts of kindness or gratitude can have on another person's life... you may not always get to see the ripple that follows in the wake of a single thoughtful gesture, but it can be profound... both to yourself and to the person you have treated with kindness.

Wait a few seconds longer to hold the door for someone. Allow someone to go in front of you in line. Thank the cashier before you leave their line. Hand your left over orange to the hungry person standing on a corner in need. Help a person pick up the mail they've dropped because their arms are too full. Reply to an e-mail when someone has done something for you at work with a quick "thank you". Tell someone you appreciate their act of kindness towards you. Write a letter to someone that you've been thinking of and let them know what they mean to your life. Stop for the lost dog knowing that someone loves him and misses him and would like him back safe at home. Start a few good ripples in the world.... affect yourself.

Peace everyone!!!